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It’s political campaign time in the city of Stallbrook. The Mayor is running for a third term, while right-wingers and radical feminists are pushing to discredit him and the police chief over their policies around prostitution. Then, a scandal erupts around Chief Graham, and Mayor Oskanian must call for an independent investigation.

Elsa Wahrheit takes on the task, even while she and her husband are facing problems trying to have a child. She’ll have to fly to New York City, deal with journalists and police there, and report back to the Mayor all that she finds out … even if it costs him the election.

Meanwhile, somebody in the conservative camp is leaking information to selected political leaders, who band together to counter them. Among this unlikely alliance are Free Spirits like Wil Jackson and Bridget Torjesen, committed to truth and sexual freedom for personal as well as political reasons.

What truths will be revealed during this heated election campaign? Will the political balance be changed, and Graham forced to step aside? Or will the tide turn against the reactionary forces? A story filled with political intrigue, personal intimacy, and erotic adventure!


As usual, Mistress Regina was the official host for the party, greeting people inside and managing the volunteers who performed everything from set up of the buffet and dungeon stations to serving as Dungeon Monitors for the safety of all. She warmly welcomed the threesome as they came in, and informed Wil that the event had already come very close to its fundraising goal. In short order, they mingled with the other partygoers, with Wil finding himself in an intense discussion with a relative newcomer named Brian.

“So, I hear you’re a Republican.”

Wil nodded. “Main Street Republican, yes.”

“Kind of unusual, a Republican being into BDSM.”

He chuckled good-naturedly. “Not to mention being poly, and a member of the Free Spirit Connection.”

“And how do you reconcile that?”

“I’m an individualist. Some might even say quasi-libertarian. So even though I might steer towards market-based solutions to our economic problems, I believe that government and politics should ultimately stay out of people’s intimate lives.”

“So you’d go against the GOP line on abortion, then.”

“The national party line, yes. The local party recognizes that there’s a diversity of views, and leaves it as a matter of conscience for individual members. Even those who identify as anti-abortion would question whether legally banning it is an effective strategy. That’s certainly a contrast with the Constitution Party, which takes an absolutist hardline stance.”

The two found a pair of chairs, and sat down to continue the discussion. “Why not just become an independent?”

“Because I’m not ready to sacrifice the Republican tradition of respecting individual freedoms, and finding practical solutions to political problems, to dogmatic extremists. If we leave the party, we abandon it to the worst elements of our political culture. If we stay and reclaim our dedication to real liberty and productive politics, then we have a chance of steering the entire GOP back to its roots.”

Brian just shook his head. “I dunno, my friend. Seems like the Christian Right has already converted it into a theocratic party.”

“Well, consider that many committed Christians have begun to more openly question how ‘Christian’ that group really is. Take their embracing Donald Trump. He feigns being a Christian, and has tried to use the Christian Right as much as they have used him to gain and hold onto political power. For many who consider themselves faithful Christians, that’s an example of gaining the whole world while losing your soul.”

The newcomer nodded his head. “I see your point. Then again, your own religious beliefs aren’t exactly that orthodox, now, are they?”

Wil laughed softly. “Well, we Free Spirits don’t pretend to be a Christian denomination, even if many of us respect some of the ethical pronouncements of Jesus.”

“You’re not even theists, are you?”

“Not in the traditional sense. Most of our members identify as pantheists, and we are more concerned with living our four core values of love, truth, peace and bliss.”

“But they’re not really politically active.”

“Collectively, no. Individually, it varies, both in the level of activism and the directions it can take. The Connection strives to be open to all who share their ethical and spiritual message, regardless of a person’s secular politics. My own opinion as to why we don’t attract more self-described political conservatives is that they have shifted to such a dogmatic stance that they tend to look down on the undogmatic approach of the Free Spirits.”

“So you wouldn’t throw somebody out for heresy, then.”

“If an individual Free Spirit has views on spirituality which dissent from prevailing opinion, no. However, if that person began to mislead people into thinking that those views were the official position of the Connection, that would be misrepresentation, and they could face consequences for that.”


“We’d call it ‘revocation of membership’,” Wil clarified, “and that wouldn’t necessitate shunning on our end. It’s also more likely we’d give them a chance to retract or correct what they’ve said about those particular views, or suspend their membership until they did so.”

“And what’s the Connection’s views on this?” Brian asked him, waving one hand as he did.

“BDSM? The Connection regards any and all consensual sexual activity and relationships to be valid, so long as they are done in the light of their four core values. Consent, or lack of coercion, certainly fits with those values, as does an understanding of the diversity of human sexual behavior and identity. So we welcome BDSM people, polyamorous people, LGBT people, sex workers and many others who agree with our basic beliefs and who strive to live them out, including and especially in their intimate relationships.” He then noticed Daria and Moira walking towards them. “But I believe my wife and our submissive are looking to do a play session with me right now, so I’d encourage you to check out the Connection on its website, or visit one of the Local Gatherings in the metro Stallbrook area.”

Brian acknowledged that with a nod, and extended a hand for Wil to clasp. “You wouldn’t mind if I watched you folks at play?”

“Not at all, sir.”

With that, Wil introduced him to the two women, and they proceeded to one of the stations in the dungeon…

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